Duty and right of the trust

  1. The trust will have right to collect the money from official and non official source with juridical way to solve their purpose and the trust may take economical help.
  2. The trust can purchase any movable and constant property as a buyer or the trust can will accept any donation and the trust can will take any asset on the rent or ledge for solving the purpose of the trust.
  3. The trust can do new construction, renovations in any part of the trust according to the necessity or the trust can do any type of arrangement
  4. The trust will have right to appoint staff and labours according to the necessity. The trust have right to make the rules and change the rules time to time for organising the work of the working labours and staff and decision for any created dispute.
  5. The trust will can do any correction or changing in their rules according to the necessity.
  6. The trust have right to appoint any legal adviser and auditor or for organising the work of the trust in a proper way
  7. According to the necessity, the trust can form sub-committee and their rules and sub-rules for organising the different programs.
  8. For solving the purpose of the committee will be paid salary /allowance/ honorarium by the trust. The other trusty of the trust, which is working full time or half time will be also paid salary/allowance/honorarium by the trust, according to the plan of the trust.
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Right of the trustee

To move forward the purpose of the trust, the trusty will have the following right:

  1. Investment, income, expenditure etc will be done by the name.
  2. The trustee will organise the meeting at each 3 month and the two consecutive necessary meetings will be organise at minimum 15 days. At least two meetings will be organise in the presence of the president in the above meetings
  3. The trustee will follow rules and suggestions for organising the work and programs of the trust which is time to time suggested by the trust.
  4. The trust will accept conditional or without conditional donation, subscription given by any person/group/system or others.
  5. The minimum trustee willbe 9 and maximum trustee will be 11. If at any time no. of trustee will become less than 9 then trust can not organise any work till the vacant positions occupied by the other trust members.
  6. The present managing/working trusties are free to give retirement and re-appointment to other trusties according to the time, condition and necessity of the trust under the maximum limit of trusties in the trust.
  7. Time to time the trustee will make the rules for organising the meetings of the trusties and rules for the organisation:
    1. In a meeting of the trusties, the minimum 2/3 presence will be necessary for minimum presence quoram.
    2. All subject will be cleared by the mutual discussion of the trusties.
    3. Any resolution passed in a circular without meeting of the trusties is also effective and authorize like a real meeting of the trusties, if the circulation is signed by the 2/3 trusties.
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